Finding time to focus on yourself while juggling other responsibilities can feel impossible.

Accountability coaching is my promise to you that I will hold you accountable for meeting your goals and ensure that you keep yourself on the priority list.

Our coaching relationships starts by understanding what shifts you are looking to make in your life and working together to move you from where you are to where you want to be.

Work-Life Balance

If you feel like you don't have enough time in the week to accomplish the things you want to do, let's look at building a better schedule that incorporates joyful activities and maximizes your available hours - while also scheduling time for rest.


Sometimes we don't even know that we are getting in our own way. I will help you identify where unproductive thought patterns or habits are emerging, then work with you on strategies for addressing problem areas.

Health and Wellness

Prioritizing a balanced diet and regular exercise around busy schedules can be challenging, especially if it requires significant behavioral change. I can work with you on meal planning and scheduling time for workouts around other weekly activities.

Career Growth

Being unhappy at work takes a huge toll on our mental wellness as we tend to spend more time there than anywhere else. Whether you are looking to move up in your current position or move on to your next opportunity, I can support your preparation for promotion conversations or makeover your resume.

Personal Organization

Clutter bug. Sentimental. Hoarder.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in our lives. While minimizing can sometimes be part of the solution, reorganizing your space may be just as helpful. I'm here to support whichever strategy you need.

Passion Projects

Write that book. Start that podcast. Launch that business. Whatever you've been waiting to do, now is the right time to start. We will outline a clear project plan with timelines and deadlines to get you started on achieving your dream goal.

Areas of Support

Client Feedback

“Everything in life was going pretty well for me, but through coaching I was able to take a pause and reflect. Sydney’s guidance helped me uncover thoughts about myself and my life that I didn’t even know I had! I believe working towards a goal and having intentional thinking time is the key to making life worthwhile, and I’ve appreciated having the space to do that.”
~ K.B, 2023 ~

"I was trying to decide whether I should quit my corporate job to start my own ecommerce business. In just one session, Sydney helped me understand what I needed to feel confident about my decision. I've now taken that next step and am working on my own business full-time."
~ Kexin S, 2023 ~

~ Natalie B, 2023

Sydney is a gifted and highly trained life coach who you'd be lucky to have. My experience working with Sydney was incredibly helpful. She was so kind, gentle, and empathic while also being motivating to help me tactfully see where I can improve areas of my life in order to reach my goals.

In just 4 sessions together, Sydney helped me with my goals and so much more than I anticipated. She helped me to find the courage, clear-thinking, and organizational capacity to help me sort through friend and relationship challenges, discover new aspects of my personality, and create a plan for my short- and long-term career, travel, and financial goals. I walked away feeling that I gained a new professional friend, coach, and mentor bundled into one.

“After working with Sydney for a few months, I have a stronger sense of who I want to be and what is important at this stage in life. This awareness has helped me make better decisions about where I spend my time, money and energy.”
~ Marie F, 2023 ~

Coaching FAQ’s

Q: How does coaching differ from therapy?
Therapists often help clients understand how their past experiences are impacting present day challenges. Coaching helps clients understand their current state and design action steps to move them forward.

Q: How long until I get results?
The length of a coaching engagement depends on what type of change a client is looking to make in their life. Each session will help a client move forward on something, but the number of sessions will depend on what the client is seeking to achieve with their coaching relationship.

Q: What advice should I expect from my coach?
As your coach, I believe you are the expert of your own life and have all that you need to move forward. I am here to guide you in defining your own solutions and to co-create when necessary, but giving advice is not part of the equation.

Q: How much does it cost?
Your initial consultation is free and will help you decide whether my approach to coaching is a good fit for your goals. Hourly rates are discussed during this call and paid in advance of each session.